Welcome to Silvereye Cetifications!
We are thrilled to have you here! Whether you are a curious newcomer or an experienced audio enthusiast, our goal is to provide you with clear, insightful information about amplifiers. Here, you will find everything you want to know about the necessary testing required for the amplifier. We are committed to helping you make informed choices and get the best out of your audio experience. Explore, learn, and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Amplifiers with input power ratings of 2000W and above are typically high-powered amplifiers used in professional audio applications such as concert sound systems, large venue sound reinforcement, or high-end home audio setups for enthusiasts. These amplifiers are designed to deliver substantial power to drive speakers efficiently and effectively, especially in demanding environments where high volume levels or long-distance coverage is required.
Evolution & Usage
It’s evolution has been driven by advancements in technology, changes in audio production demands, and the requirements of various professional and high-fidelity audio applications.
Advancements in Amplifier Technology.
Increased Demand for High-Performance Audio.
Advancements in Speaker Technology
Application in Pro Audio and Live Sound
Integration in Home Audio and High-End Audio Systems
Custom Installation and Sound Reinforcement
Integration with Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Overall, this product is indispensable components in professional audio, live sound reinforcement, and high-fidelity audio systems, enabling the delivery of powerful, immersive sound experiences in a variety of applications and environments.
Applicable Compliance on product

In July 2013, under Scheme II of Schedule II of the Bureau of Indian Standards, amplifiers were included in the mandatory product list for the compulsory registration order to assure that the product is of good quality and safe.
Amplifiers with input power of 2000W and above are required to be tested and registered as per Indian Standard IS 616:2017.
All the manufacturers, brand owners, and importers are required to be registered under the scheme before selling their product in the Indian market.
For more details about the BIS-CRS procedure , please visit : :
LMPC (Legal Metrology for Packaged Commodity) :
Ministry of consumer affair mandated LMPC registration for all the packaged commodity.
For more details about the LMPC procedure , please visit : :
EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) :
Producer, Importer or Brand Owner dealing in Amplifiers are required to register their product in CPCB under product category CEEW12.
It’s their responsibility to recycle the used amplifiers after the completion of their life cycle so that it’s impact on environment could be controlled.
For more details about the EPR procedure , please visit :
WPC – Equipment Type Approval :
If amplifier has wireless connectivity such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, then this will also be required to register under WPC for Equipment Type Approval through self-declaration scheme.
For more details about the WPC procedure , please visit : :